Designers were tasked to create a set of DVD covers for a hypothetical series of Criterion films on graphic designers. We were given sets of designers and asked to pick one. I chose the Women of Letters: Louise Fili, Jessica Hische, Paula Scher and Jessica Walsh.
I created a series of films called "A Passion Project." In each film, the designers would discuss how they turned their passion for design into a successful career in the field. I chose different shades of the color red to incorporate the color of passion. The shades correspond to the age of the designer and how long they've worked in the field. Inside the DVD cover is a hypothetical letter from the creators of the series inspiring viewers to pursue their passions. Below is a transcript of this letter:
Dear Readers,
Welcome to A Passion Project. We’re so glad you chose to watch this film. It’s one of our favorites, and we hope it becomes one of yours too. This is different than an ordinary documentary. It was designed down to the very last detail to inspire you. Yes, you. Because while we don’t know who you are, we’re willing to bet we know at least one thing about you.
You have a passion.
Maybe more than one. There’s something out there that you love to do, that gets your heart beating a little faster when you think about it. Maybe it’s the sketches you make on the notepad at your desk at work. Maybe it’s the stories you type late at night when you can’t sleep, or the the videos you make of your favorite places and people. Or maybe, just maybe, it’s something you haven’t even discovered yet.
Whatever it is, we hope this film series challenges you to go after it, to stop hiding it and to let the world catch a glimpse of what you were born to do. Your passions exist for a reason. They weren’t meant to be kept in the dark, hidden for fear of what people might think if they saw who you really are. They were meant to be shared, to shine for everyone to see. Because we believe there is nothing more powerful than a person with a passion.
So go. Watch this film. Listen closely to the story. Allow it to change you. Be inspired by these women who allowed their passions to shape their purpose.
And maybe, just maybe, start a passion project of your own.